Staying safe online

What you need to know

You may be new to being online – maybe you just got your first mobile phone, or you are finally allowed to go to the Internet Cafe. Maybe you’ve recently started a Facebook account or gotten an email address. There is a whole world out there on the Internet - but just like in the real world, exploring it can bring with it both benefits and dangers.

The Internet offers all kinds of great things -- meeting new friends, connecting with old ones, information about many new things, homework help, and even places to express yourself -- but in order to take the fullest advantage of it, it’s important to also know how to avoid the dangers.

Being safe on the Internet, means that you’re aware of the dangers that you may face when you are online, and you know how to handle them.

Some risks you could face online include:

  • Cyberbullying - like mean, threatening or hurtful posts, comments or messages
  • Exposure to inappropriate materials like pornography or violence
  • Online predators - in other words, adults who use the internet to try and connect with children or teen girls just like you.
  • Their intention may be to harm, abuse or have an inappropriate personal relationship with you. sharing too much personal or private information, which can put you, your friends and family in danger.

Girl Effect wants you to be as safe as possible when using the Internet, whether it’s through a mobile or at an Internet cafe.

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